This blog post describes how I built my weather station based on a Raspberry Pi. I added to that software the capability for a network client to connect and request data. My remote display is powered by an ESP8266-01 module which has a processor and a WiFi interface. The -01 version only provides two GPIO pins, but that is enough for an I2C bus interface.

The other parts I used were pretty straight-forward:
- a 7-segment LED display with I2C backpack
- a 6 pin header for connecting a serial interface for programming the device
- a small bit of prototyping board
- a project case from Radio Shack
- an old cell phone charger (very few amps required, so any would work)
Here is a look at the inside and the circuit diagram.

The code could be modified to display any data that you could get from the internet or local network. There is likely a web site (Weather Underground maybe) that will provide real-time weather data by zip code that could be used to display current outdoor temperature.
Here is my code. I used the Adafruit LED backpack library but had to make one change. The GPIO pins used for the I2C bus are hard-coded and these had to change to match the capabilities of the ESP.
This also can serve as a simple socket client program.
#define WIFINAME "Put Your SSID Here" #define PASSWORD "Put Your Passwor Here" #define HOSTNAME "IP address of host" #define HOSTPORT 33333 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" Adafruit_7segment matrix = Adafruit_7segment(); WiFiClient client; void setup() { matrix.begin(0x70); matrix.print(0x1111, HEX); matrix.writeDisplay(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // WiFi client mode WiFi.begin(WIFINAME,PASSWORD); // connect to WiFi while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // wait for wifi connection delay(500); } } void loop() { unsigned long t1; char resp[100]; char c; int i; float ot; if (client.connect(HOSTNAME, HOSTPORT)) { client.println("ot\n"); t1 = millis(); i = 0; memset(resp,0,100); while (true) { if (client.available()) { c =; if (c<' ') break; resp[i] = c; i++; } if (i>98) break; if ((millis()-t1)>5000) break; } ot = atof(resp); matrix.print(ot,1); matrix.writeDisplay(); } else { matrix.print(0xEEEE, HEX); matrix.writeDisplay(); } client.stop(); delay(10000); }
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